Bortoleto’s Rising Star Ascends to F2 with Virtuosi, Joined by Maini, Amplifying the Stakes in the Exciting Race Ahead

Bortoleto’s Rising Star Ascends to F2 with Virtuosi, Joined by Maini, Amplifying the Stakes in the Exciting Race Ahead

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F3 champion Bortoleto graduates to F2 with Virtuosi, as Maini signs

Gabriel Bortoleto, the 2023 F3 champion, will be joining McLaren’s Driver Development Programme and moving up to F2 for the 2024 season. He impressed with his consistency and championship victory in his rookie F3 campaign. Bortoleto aims to continue his growth and become a successful driver in the next stages of his career. He will be joined by Alpine Academy driver Kush Maini at McLaren, who had a solid debut season in F2 and is looking forward to further growth with the team. Virtuosi, McLaren’s F2 team, had a successful 2023 season and is aiming for even more success in the upcoming season.

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